I know I don't have to point this out to you savvy folk, but this secretary's GOT WINGDINGS IN HER GODDAMN SIGNATURE. Clover Home Happy. Club Ranch-house Smile. You really consulted your Egyptian Grammar. That's why you made it to SENIOR administrative assistant.
The Wingdings really get me pumped for the subsequent Celtic/Elfish St. Paddy's Day greeting and the concluding inspirational verse, which was either written by Shakespeare or Kenny Chesney -- I can't remember, I must have skipped my Important Poetry course that day.
/misguided outrage
This is beautiful. SO FUNNY!
Yes - "FAIL" is so overused. You know what else I hate? The winky face.
I'm sorry, but that's just creepy. When was the last time someone winked at me in real life? I'm pretty sure that it was a man, a stranger, and possibly a child molester. Regardless, I ran away.
what is FAIL?
Exceeded, perhaps, only by "EPIC FAIL"?
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