Thursday, July 13, 2017

Smells Like More Podcast Names

JUST LAST NIGHT, in the shower, I was re-thinking my selections for what I’d name a podcast about Pearl Jam. From there, it was just a short hop over to the next topic: my name for a Nirvana podcast. From least to most favorite, my names are:

I Found My Friends

I’ve Become Your Pupil

All Our Pretty Songs

Here We are Now

Territorial Pissings

Unit Shifters

Today, I read in Splitsider that there is at least one Nirvana podcast out there, and its name is not as good as any of mine: Heart Shaped Pod.

But maybe it's a good podcast - I don't know! I haven't listened! I'm too occupied with Screw It, We're Just Gonna Talk About The Beatles this year!