Tuesday, February 05, 2013

On The Wall

Whoa, it's been so long since I've updated you about the walls I stare at every workday. After a year and a half or so, things have changed -- I now have things hanging from all non-window sides!

Straight ahead, you can see part of my mom's Xmas gift, wrapping some old T-shirts I selected around foam board. You've got Lollapalooza '96 on the left, then the front and back of my Smashing Pumpkins' Infinite Sadness Tour shirt, and the back of a Meat Puppets shirt that my brother got me. I always love that Meat Puppets art -- I used to doodle it.

On the right are photos I took of statues while on various trips, framed in the cheapest thing Wal-Mart had to offer. In the middle is the Prometheus from the Minneapolis Sculpture Garden, then the upper left is a WWI soldier from Bushmills, moving clockwise it's U.S. Grant in D.C.; a Civil War cannon dude in Buffalo; some explorer guy in Valparaiso, Chile; somebody on a horse with a sword near the U.S. Grant statue in D.C.; some other guy in a different part of Valparaiso, Chile; Lady Liberty; and Daniel O'Connell on his namesake street in Dublin.

Above my free map of Kansas is an absurd assortment of additional T-shirts. From left:

The Red Dawn shirt Shawn designed for Brian's bachelor party.

The 9/11 fundraiser shirt from K-State, which I loved to wear during float trips, to show the rednecks I was a true American. (I will use this in a similar fashion around the office.)

The free shirt distributed at my KSU orientation.

The shirt I got for being a somewhat relevant 6th man for our KSU intramural basketball team, which won the "Independent" league, then I think beat the residence halls champions before losing in the title game to the six-foot-and-under team.

The 3rd Annual Colwich 3-on-3 Basketball Tourney sponsored by the Sacred Heart CYO participant shirt.

On the credenza you can't see at the bottom of the photo rests a framed tile thingy from a Taiwanese former coworker, a block robot Kim gave me several Xmas's ago, and a thermometer I look at every morning before I say, "SIXTY-THREE DEGREES IS UNREASONABLE AND MAKES ME FEEL SO UNAPPRECIATED AND INSULTED."

1 comment:

Gav said...

I like this post. Especially since you were wearing most of those shirts only a couple years ago.