Thursday, April 06, 2006

Give Up

I assume that our biology would encourage us to accomplish things, as it is in humankind's best interest to get stuff done.

And it does feel good to see something through to completion - it feels good to finish writing a paper, it feels good to finish cleaning the house.

But why does it feel equally good to quit?


Anonymous said...

hmmm, an anthropological justification for motivation to complete should probably be examined in context ... from a biological standpoint our main motivation is to reproduce, and you'll notice that in the act of intercourse... there is a strong biological urge to "complete". it may be that when it feels good to quit something, your biology is telling you to quit - say organizing your sock drawer - and go reproduce.


dn said...

And if I see things through, and get my sock drawer organized, and get the sense of satisfaction that goes with it... do I get that good feeling because I have made myself more attractive to a potential mate? (Because the ladies love an organized sock drawer?)