Monday, May 08, 2006


This idea has been saved as a draft since October 26, 2005. It's one sentence long:
jerk songs to play at funeral: Everybody Hurts
I thought of one more tonight, James Taylor's Fire and Rain.

But that's it. And now I'm going to go upstairs and read. David Blaine, I still believe in you, and still think that your magic is real.


Anonymous said...

"Everybody Hurts" - also inappropriate to play when running off to your room and slamming the door on your puzzled roommates, as that psycho I lived with during sophomore year did. Remember that crazy chick, Dan? She thought you were "shady".

Anonymous said...

I don't even know what that means.

Anonymous said...

David Blaine's problem was that he lived in a snow globe for a week. If he wasn't so weak from that he'd easily been able to hold his breath for 9 minutes plus.

dn said...

Jenny - yes. That chick sucked.

Anon - yes. Agreed. Except for the "easily" part.