Wednesday, February 07, 2007

A Model Idiot?

Floyd writes...
Hey Dan, remember Katie from the KU Calendar? The one you asked about hookworm worries? Well, she's still alive and kicking...
[Don't click that last link if you're at work.]

[Also, the links to the old Women of KU calendar models have expired. If you'd like to see the most recent calendars, have at it.]


Anonymous said...

She must have taken your hookworm comment to heart - you'll notice she's wearing shoes this time.

Anonymous said...

Talents: posing in erotic nude (NOT adult nude...don't even think about asking her) in slummed out places. Works best with old school buses, tractor tires with pooled water, and 10 gallon drums filled with organophospates. Enjoys working hookworms, aedes agypti, and farm cats with distemper.
