Friday, November 11, 2005

Crappy Crafts

I was in Concordia, Kansas for work on Thursday - I wandered around this Methodist church's classrooms, including one room called the Craft Zone. This season's project seems to be nativity scenes made from clothespins. Here's what it's supposed to look like, and here is what happens when the less-than-gifted kids try to make their own.


Anonymous said...

Great captions. You'll be a great dad one day.

Gav said...

What happened with the blue marker on the stable? It looks like some kid got mixed up and combined the Great Flood with the Nativity.

Anonymous said...

I think this made my day.


Anonymous said...

I know about the blue marker on the stable! It is when you have to pick from what you can dredge up from that random desk drawer because your stupid clothes pin nativity is due the next day and you totally forgot about it until 8pm the night before. You live in the country and all the stores are closed and your mom isn't one of the moms that makes sure you have good markers on hand. You check all your options, and the best you've got is the blue marker, so you start using it but then the ink starts to dry up but you've already started so you just try to make it work. And that's exactly what it ends up looking like.