Wednesday, November 16, 2005

What A Post Looks Like Before It's Edited

best food per shape

hexagonal polygon: oyster crackers
sphere: cheese balls (puffed kind or the kind you spread on crackers), chocolate orange, not gumball
cube: Jell-O shouldn't count, nor should cheese - caramels?
rectangular polygon: starburst, candy bars (uneven bars like Snickers disqualified?)
oval: not cadbury eggs
pyramid: toblerone comes close, but not quite a pyramid. ditto Hershey's Kisses.
disc: M&M beats Skittles, Spree, etc.


Anonymous said...

I would suggest regular eggs instead of cadbury eggs. They're nutritious and delicious!

dn said...

I don't think a chicken egg counts. We're talking about food. You eat the inner goop, not the shell. The shell is an oval; the goop is a liquid, and therefore takes the shape of its container. QED, whore.

I will allow an argument for the yolk, but that is more of a sphere or mound shape.

Anonymous said...

okay dn, i'm going to blow your mind...what about a hard-boiled egg?

dn said...

If we allow an egg to count as an oval, then we have embarked on a slippery slope - cheese could count as a cube-shaped, jell-o could count as shot-glass-shaped, ice could count as swan-shaped, and butter could count as bust-of-Julius-Caesar-shaped.

Anonymous said...

How about an olive?


dn said...

Olives count, but if that's the tastiest thing ovals have to offer, ovals are in poor shape. Get it? Poor shape? I'm funnier than ALF!

Anonymous said...

Dare you throw out a garlic stuffed olive? If that isn't tasty, I don't know what is...I think an olive wins.


Anonymous said...

I think watermelons are tasty and they fit in both the sphere and oval categories. And if you want to impress your friends, ten thousand yen can buy them in cube-shapes so they don't roll all over your refrigerator.

There is a big market for crazy expensive, enoromous and perfectly shaped gift fruit over there.

Anonymous said...

what about the butter cow at the kansas state fair? now that was a spectacle.