Sunday, January 01, 2006

So This Is The New Year

Gavin and I decided that this year is going to be three times better than 2005, so we grabbed some triple Whoppers today at Burger King. We always wondered what kind of a person gets the triple at Wendy's, and now we know - people that like indigestion.

Actually, Gavin was the one that felt ill afterward - I felt like a million damn dollars. I even had some double-dipped chocolate peanuts from the Nifty Nut House for dessert.

Now I'm on the couch. (I've been here all day, watching the Twilight Zone marathon, meaningless NFL games, and one excellent episode of MTV's Next.) Bobby, looking good for a guy who passed out in a closet last night, is playing Super Mario Brothers on my NES. Here's a fun fact: I've never beaten Super Mario Brothers. Not that I can remember, anyway. I don't think it's due to lack of skill - I don't recall ever struggling to beat it, I just don't think I had the desire to do so. Not when there was Tecmo Bowl to be played.

It was 60 degrees today, and I was outside for a total of 30 seconds. Sweet.


Gav said...

That much meat was painful. I didn't eat for 24 hours.

The most amazing thing is that I think Wendy's offers a 4-pattie burger. FOUR PATTIES! I wonder if that comes with a defibrillator in the combo meal.

Anonymous said...

It's probably for the best. I think I hit my peak when I beat Super Mario for the first time. It's been a downward spiral ever since 7th grade...
