Men didn't always hate "Sexiest Man Alive" McConaughey; rather, we embraced his arrival to Hollywood - Dazed and Confused. But now? Well, let's see...
He hasn't made a good, respectable movie since U-571.
He seems to enjoy his status as a sex symbol a little too much.
He's become the self-anointed mascot of University of Texas (the Longhorns' very own Ben Affleck).
His production company, JKL Productions, gets its name from his Dazed character's motto, "Just keep livin'".
He recently told Oprah that "Just keep livin'" is his life motto.
That bears repeating - McConaughey's personal mantra is based on a David Wooderson line - the words of a character whose primary goals were to bang high school chicks, to get high, and to buy Aerosmith concert tickets.

And if all that wasn't enough, he's now starring in a chick flick that doesn't even have the decency to give the red-blooded male something pretty to look at. (I am referring, of course, to the lead actress, Sarah Jessica Parker, not the supporting actress, Zooey Deschanel, who is more adorable than a yellow-ribbon adorned wicker basket holding a baby kitten holding a teddy bear holding a picture of Zooey Deschanel.)
Pull your head out of your ass, McConaughey. It'd be a lot cooler if you did.
pshawwww ... mcconaughey is dreamy. and if a man ever described me as "more adorable than a yellow-ribbon wicker basket holding a baby kitten blah blah blah ... some other shit" i'd be forced to open up a can a whoopass all over him.
Another reason men hate McConaughey - women get all weak in the knees when he's around.
...Despite the fact that he is a walking, talking Wooderson. His personality seems pretty worthless - like a male version of Tara Reid.
I've got to side with dn on this one. The man use to be sexy - I'm talking during the "A Time to Kill" days. But now, yeah, he's pretty much become "a male version of Tara Reid." (if I could have said it better I would have but you pretty much nailed it)
I think the real story here is that Terry Bradshaw "stars" in this movie...
you know ... in his own way ... terry bradshaw is also kind of dreamy.
Kim, now you're just being ridiculous.
After I saw "A Time to Kill", I told my mom it was "the best movie I have ever seen". (Looking back, I think I felt that way because it was the first big courtroom drama movie I'd seen. And Joel Schumacher + Sam Jackson = movie candy.) As recently as one year ago, I had to remind Mom that it is no longer at the top of my list, because, you know, I'm not 16 anymore. Just like I occasionally have to remind her that I don't hate green shirts anymore, like I did when I was 9.
I have loved Zooey Deschanel since she uttered the words "Pro boner?" in "Mumford." And while McConaughey grosses me out, I will likely see this movie because I like her so much.
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