Thursday, August 11, 2005


[Part 3 will have to wait until Sunday or Monday.]

Today, on I-70 just east of downtown Topeka, I was in the right lane behind a cop. While we drove west at the posted speed limit of 65 miles per hour, Captain Tough Ass In A Black SUV decided to pass us. The Captain didn't zoom by - he was probably going 70 - but I thought it was a questionable move.

The cop moved into the left lane, behind The Captain. Lights on. The Captain moved to back to the right lane, maybe sweating it a little, figuring the cop wouldn't bust his balls for going 5 over, thinking the cop just got an emergency call on the radio and he's got to haul ass.

The cop followed The Captain into the right lane. Captain Tough Ass In A Black SUV had a shitty morning. I, on the other hand, felt great.


dn said...

Felt great for a few minutes, I mean. Then I was in the office, listless and angry.

Anonymous said...

fuck that motherfucker, and fuck his whole life. he can fuck himself one thousand times for making you anxious. I will fuck him hard. I promise.

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