Tuesday, September 06, 2005

The Hair Down There

Heather and Tall Steph forwarded a NYT article that was relevant to my recent mention of the "landing strip":
"I do full body exams to check for skin cancer, and I can think of almost no female patients who come in with natural pubic hair," said Karyn Grossman, a dermatologist in Santa Monica, Calif., and New York City. "Either they have nothing left, or they have a small patch that is two inches by half an inch, but the trend is toward having it all gone."
I've taken a day to reflect on the subject (read: I tacked on another one or two thoughts about vaginas to my already cooch-heavy mindset) - here's my hard-hitting opinion.

I don't care.


Let's say the snatch fairy jumped out of my fireplace and presented an ultimatum: "Choose your preference, and lo, from now until death, shall ye behold only this type of groomed honey pie." Forced to choose, I'll choose hair. Variety. Keeps things interesting. An unsurprising answer, perhaps, for a man that prefers his orange juice with pulp, but often buys pulp-free juice, too.


Anonymous said...

Sometimes I like what you have to say. Most of the time, I just skim over your postings and stop to read something if I recognize names or places. In rare instances I read the whole thing because I know that at some point, you'll have something totally brilliant to say. But these last two entries are awful, Dan. I thought you'd have something funny to say or at least interesting. A total waste of my time. I'm not impressed. I'm cutting back on reading your crap. -anastasia

Anonymous said...

anastasia is kind of full of crap.
By the by, completely shaven is always the way to go

Gav said...

Fiery comments such as anastasia's are a way of showing that people are reading your material. Good editorial writers are going to piss people off sometimes, that's just the way it is. Keep on Keepin' on.

Also, landing strips are the best. No Jungles please.

dn said...

Ana: I'm sorry to waste the 90 seconds it took you to read this post (or the 30 seconds it took to skim it). I didn't expect your backlash, especially considering the fact you've spent at least 20 minutes of your time to watch HBO's "Cathouse".

Anonymous said...

since i eat more pussy than cervical cancer i prefer it to be clean shaven.

dn said...

Nothing like a cancer comment to end the conversation. A related note from lindsayism.com:

My friend Brian tipped me off that the new issue (Oct) of Seventeen Magazine has a section called "Vagina 101: What's Normal and What's Not." I just bought it at the newsstand, and Brian was right: it has real pictures of vaginas. And a real picture of a diseased one. Seriously. Pages 84-85. Gag!

Anonymous said...

There's a scene in a movie called "Lovely and Amazing" in which a pretty, lanky girl asks a lothario type guy with whom she has just had sex to critique her nude body because she is obsessed with her flabby upper arms. He gives her a rather honest run down of her features which are mostly good/positive comments. But he does seem rather taken aback by the size of her bush (his word), like it has been a long time since he has seen one in its natural state. It seems like you can't really use the word "bush" anymore as a general term for women's pubic hair because it has lost its reference. Most of the women who are displayed naked for general public’s consumption don't have a “bush” anymore.

Regarding dn’s snatch fairy scenario, I wonder what women do when they get their bikini lines lasered. Just a trim? Inverted mullet? All off with just a little fuzzy heart in front?