Thursday, September 22, 2005

Make Me Sick

Tornado Slide took a sick day yesterday, just like its creator!

As a young adult, I used to get sick about once per year. Since 2005 rolled over, I've been sick at least thrice. I guess that means the immunosuppressive drugs are working. Hooray!

Once, when I was a wee child in grade school, my mother decided I was too sick to attend class. I threw an epic tantrum, throwing my pillow about my bedroom, and screaming (this quote I recall verbatim), "I WANT TO GO TO SCHOOL BUT SHE WON'T LET ME!!!"

If you'd like more proof regarding my "odd child" status, you can ask me about the days I spent revering a Christmas card that told the story of the Little Drummer Boy.

Rum pa pum pum

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