Saturday, October 01, 2005

BacheLAN Party

At 8:30 pm Friday, I walked into Tanner's apartment. The groom and the gang were already there, playing a first-person shooter.

"Did you bring your laptop?" Blaine asked.
"I thought you were kidding."

I played for a few minutes - to my horror, I realized that it wasn't Quake, a game this group played religiously in 1998, in the dorms, every evening after enjoying a meal at the Kramer Dining Center. Tired of being shot to death, I quit and watched The Soup.

That show is hilarious.

It wasn't all hard-core gaming - we managed to go out in Westport and interact with other humans. At Harpo's, for example, we talked to our waitress. And we played that game where you try to throw a football through a hole - like Pop-A-Shot but for football. Blaine and I tired of the traditional gameplay, so we made a rule that you had to throw a play-action pass. This meant that you grabbed the ball from the machine, sprinted back 7 yards toward the now annoyed table of four (play-actioning along the way), turned, and launched a spiral toward the target. I won.

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