Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Child Left Behind

I found this poster on my business trip to western Kansas a few weeks back. It seems to be a homework assignment comparing the gods of Greek mythology to modern day humans. If you look closely (go ahead and click on the photo to enlarge it...it's TOTALLY worth it), you'll see that the child scored 30 out of 30 points for "writing" as well as a perfect 30 for 30 for "drawing".

I assume that either the child or the teacher is retarded, because there is no way a mentally competent individual could consider this poster to be a flawless project. Osama Bin Laden has three words in his name, and the child only spelled one correctly. And it's Brockovich. And Hussein. Mahumade Ali? Is it Athena or Athen, kid - make up your mind! Zeus or Zues? Care to buy an "E" for "quarrelsom"? HOW THE FUCK DID THIS KID SCORE PERFECTLY ON THE WRITING PORTION OF THE POSTER??

Since when is Poseidon (the kid spells Zeus wrong but nails Poseidon?) a trident? Doesn't he HOLD a trident? Does Hermes wear winged shoes or IS he winged shoes? Hey teach - I'm no Bob Ross, but aren't these photos of famous people...uh...NOT DRAWINGS?

What messages did the great Cassius Clay deliver, exactly? "Sting like a bee?" I know he spoke out against the war - are those the "messages" you're talking about? Is that really the best parallel to make with Hermes? Is that even the best ATHLETE to compare to Hades? Is that even the best character portrayed by Will Smith to compare to Hades?

This work is Wiggumesque. Clearly no help from the parents.


Floyd said...

Ok, so let's assume this child is in the 2nd - 4th grade. If we are going to give children perfect marks for "writing" when the writing is rife with misspellings, how is this child supposed to learn anything? Would it kill the kid to get a 25/30 because of misspellings? What does it teach this kid that misspellings are acceptable? Fuck this teacher.

It seems to me that the qualities of Zeus, Hades and Poseidon could be applied to Bush, Bin Laden and "Hussain". Quarrelsome personalities, greedy, disputes with others, leaders, punish people. Neither has won shit against shit. Again, what is this teaching children?

And like Erin Brockovich, Athena was an uppity whore.

Anonymous said...

Oh man...I'm still laughing. I showed the folks at work. Fun all around. Have a fun wedding weekend.


Anonymous said...

You have to submit that to Found magazine! http://www.foundmagazine.com/