Sunday, April 24, 2005

Game Time Part II

One more game - match the religion listed in their interests: jewish, muslim, jesus freak, lutheran. Safari chick will be labeled #1, #2 has a gun, #3 has shades, #4 is the soccer ball.


Floyd said...

#1 = Lutheran
#2 = Muslim (the machine gun is a giveaway)
#3 = Jewish
#4 = Jesus Freak

Anonymous said...

1. Jewish
2. Lutheran
3. Muslim
4. Jesus Freak

dn said...

I forgot to mention - all these girls are from Ohio. Just in case that changes your votes.

Feel free explain your answers, as well. Maybe this will be as controversial as the KU calendar model discussion.

Anonymous said...

1 - Jewish
2 - Lutheran
3 - Jesus Freak
4 - Muslim

That was easy!


Anonymous said...

I'm throwing shit to the wind:
1. Muslim
2. Jesus freak
3. Jewish
4. Lutheran


Isabella said...

2. Jesus Freak
3. Jewish
4. Lutheran

dn said...

I'm back from Chicago and ready to show you the answer key - but what gives with people only guessing the religions, and not the interests from the previous post? Do you not care to know whom loves javelin and whom loves chocolate chip cookie dough? I'll wait another day before posting those answers so everyone can share the joy.

I am saddened to say no one got all the answers correct. Safari #1 is the Lutheran. Gun chick #2 is Jewish. Shades #3 is Jesus Freak, leaving soccer ball #4 as the Muslim.

I'm sure you'll have no problem finding their complete profiles at - just use the Ohio location search and the corresponding religion in the keyword search.

Now go to the previous post to make your guesses. Answers posted tomorrow evening.

Windy city update tomorrow or Saturday.

Anonymous said...