Sunday, June 26, 2005

Dreaming my Dreams of Cruise

When did Tom Cruise hit rock bottom? His Oprah appearance? His Today appearance? For me, it was last night, when I dreamt he was at a busy intersection, brandishing a pistol, threatening to kill everyone at the conference hotel. Jamie Foxx and I ran across the street to another building. Jamie had a rifle. "Is that a sniper rifle?" I asked the Oscar winner, planning to ice Maverick from the safety of an upper story window. "Nah, man, this is an assault rifle." Fucking Jamie Foxx - what an idiot.


Anonymous said...

This reminds me...can someone explain to me how Jamie Foxx was nominated for Best Supporting Actor for his role in Collateral? His character was the fucking PROTAGONIST of the movie, and the whole thing takes place from his point of view. Between that and the lack of recognition for his superb turn in Booty Call, I think it's another case of Hollywood keeping the brother man down.

On another note, I have been desperately in love with Katie Holmes for years, and do you think I even get a snippet in the paper, let alone a stream of consciousness? Fuck you Cruise!!!

I can't stay mad at you, Mav...but you are dangerous...


dn said...

Katie was my #1 back in the Wonder Boys era. Thank God Natalie Portman knocked her off the top spot before all this nonsense with Cruise began.