Wednesday, July 06, 2005

The Other Archives - TNG

Star Trek: The Next Generation invaded the last two days of my life.

Tuesday, as I sat in the hospital for 3 hours avoiding the books I intended to read, I absorbed afternoon television. Rachel Ray taught me how to make italian mac & cheese within 30 minutes. MTV displayed vacuous dating programs and pimped one ride. MacGyver accomplished something. The real highlight, though, was Captain Picard's efforts to collapse a temporal distortion via a static warp three different time periods. Now that's good captaining.

Today I learned that a co-worker used to have dreams about Picard. Those kind of dreams.

In honor of my TNG week, here's an excerpt of an e-mail I once sent:
The Next Generation Star Trek on SpikeTV right now has opened with a poker scene. Apparently, in the future, poker is played with chips of one color: silver. Oh, and Security Officer Worf has informed the group that "Klingons never bluff."

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