Saturday, May 07, 2005

It's 2:30 in the Morning

I don't know how old I was - I was probably in high school - and I'm not sure what event preceded it. I was thinking about the question we always ask ourselves when things go wrong: "Why did this have to happen?"

I decided then that the hardest thing in life is accepting a complete lack of explanations, reasons, or logic. Now, I'll catch myself wondering "Why?", and I stop. There is no satisfactory "because", so "Why?" is worthless.

We think that answers can bring us comfort. All we have are questions - if we could somehow get the answers, things would be right. The truth is, the answers are just as worthless as the questions.

When we ask "Why?", we're really speaking in code. Translated, the question looks something like this:
"This is totally fucked, and it fucks up all my shit. Fuck this."
The answers we're searching for?
"It's fucked because everything's fucked. Chin up."


Anonymous said...

Is something wrong?

dn said...

In the words of Toad the Wet Sprocket, something's always wrong.