Tuesday, May 31, 2005



cleft chin ("The Ladykiller")
unmanageable, wavy hair
very straight nose
practically hairless back
uncallused, borderline metrosexual hands
soft, brown eyes
wiry strength


consistent mid-range jumper
occasionally disarming
broad, occasionally deep knowledge of current events
neat handwriting (print, not cursive)
high career winning percentage for board and bar games
enjoyable and/or memorable letter-writing
good at being quiet, esp. as others sleep


surround sound (except for center speaker)
attractive neckties
ceiling fan above bed
purple Tomy Sunshine Buddy
copper-bottomed tea kettle


Anonymous said...

I would say that a material asset would be the shower in your room...with the little ledge/seat for easy leg shaving and/or an enjoyable cup of tea. As for physical assets...I'll get back to you.

Anonymous said...

Physical asset: clean ear canal and clear tympanic membranes with nice umbos and no peforations.


Floyd said...

You forgot to mention your huge glistening cock.