Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Nacho Sexier

I was working quietly in my cubicle. I glanced over at my stash (my food stash, not my moustache), which includes a half-eaten bag of ranch flavored Doritos. (A pregnant woman works over my wall - she reached over that wall one day and implored, "Take these away from me. I can't stop. I've almost eaten the entire bag." I obliged, at they have sat undisturbed since that afternoon.) I thought about the Dorito dust you get on your hands during consumption. It occurred to me that Dorito dust might be most unappealing thing to lick off one's lover's naked body. It occurred to me this was an odd thing to consider inside my cubicle at midday.

I will leave it up to the readership to determine if this is, indeed, the most unappealing "food". And could someone tell me what is most widely considered to be the most appealing/used? I don't know, because all of my food-related romance knowledge comes from Topper Harley.

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