Friday, March 04, 2005


Easily the strangest e-mail I received today. A friend is currently working for an organization (yes, that one) that stationed her in Panama:
The other story is my friend [name deleted], who is just weird. I’d say half the [workers] Panama are cool and about half are just plain weird. Anyway, he apparently has a Panamanian girlfriend from the rural area and they were sleeping together for about 6 months. I guess she got pregnant (they were using condoms) and told him he was the dad. Apparently he was okay with that. What? After a few months she confessed that she cheated on him with her ex-boyfriend and he had poked holes in the condom they used because he loved her so much. What? So now, they are pretty sure it is not [Name]’s baby and the girl is probably going to get back together with her psycho ex-boyfriend who apparently likes to control her. I told [another guy] this story and he was shocked. He said that people in the interior (basically the part of the Panama from the minute you leave Panama City and head towards Costa Rica – the call it the interior) are crazy and may do this, but he’s never heard of anyone doing that among his friends. I wasn’t too surprised to hear that this girl’s ex-boyfriend did that. I think a lot of Latino husbands like to get their wives pregnant and then they go and cheat on them. It is definitely a way of controlling them (the women) and keeping them from cheating. Well, news flash, most women don’t have that tendency or desire to cheat like men. Why are men so stupid??? Will we ever figure it out?
To answer your questions, 1.> I don't know, and 2.> Probably not.


Anonymous said...

A couple of footnotes, as this is from a mutual friend:

1) Said friend has a good friend (female) who is widely referred to as her "cheating friend." (or at least by me and Dan)

2) I have known more women in my lifetime who have cheated than men.

Poke away!

Actually, men are stupid.


dn said...

Huh. You know, I think I know more cheating women, too. Man, we know a lot of sluts!

Floyd said...

I definitely have known more cheating women than men, by far. Women are disgusting, lying harpies that deserve whatever they get short of rape.

And no, I'm not bitter.

Anonymous said...

I actually know more men. And I'm not bitter either. More men have made me cry too. For that, I am bitter.
